3 Ways a Real Estate Law Firm Can Help You

real estate law firmBuying a home, and later owning your home, can be a stressful but exhilarating experience. On one hand, you finally have a space that is all your own, and you can do as you please with that space. No more landlord breathing down your neck about tack holes or neighbors banging on your walls — it can be a great experience. But that doesn’t mean that nothing can go wrong, and when they do go wrong the stakes are often much higher than they would be with your old apartment. However, you can help yourself out and get out of sticky situations by enlisting in the help of a real estate law firm.

In 2013, one in 96 homes was foreclosed upon. This is one of the worst situations you can be in, but getting someone on your side who knows property law may be able to fight your case and find a solution for you.

Wrongful Sale
Property law cases can often be quite complex, but wrongful sales are often easy to sort out once you have a real estate law firm on your side. Most states, including California, require the real estate agent you’re working with to tell the buyer about any deaths on the property within the past three years. This and numerous other issues, such as serious structural issues, must be disclosed before a sale. You have the right to sue the real estate agent if they do not.

Insurance Issues

According to the National Association Of Realtors, about 77% of homebuyers actually have an inspection done before they purchase a home. You should have your own inspections done, whether you are buying or selling a home. This will help you avoid surprises during either process, and can help you avoid issues with insurance. If you do find yourself in a dispute with an insurance company over an issue though, a real estate lawyer may be able to help you win.